European Union of Private Hospitals

Berlin hospitals defend themselves against unequal treatment

An alliance of 30 non-profit, confessional and private hospitals wants to have the hospital policy of the Berlin Senate examined by the courts. The clinics have prepared a complaint to the Administrative Court because the state of Berlin supports state-owned hospitals with payments in the hundreds of millions to compensate for their massive losses. In the view of the alliance, this preferential treatment is unlawful, as these special payments from tax funds are significantly higher than the regular investment funds of the state, which are available to all Berlin hospitals.

The hospitals that have joined the alliance “A healthy Berlin – not without us” include the Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg, the Jewish Hospital Berlin and several Caritas and DRK facilities. In a joint statement, the Berlin alliance points out that the unequal financial treatment of hospitals by the state of Berlin distorts competition – in which all hospitals must be measured – and puts the plurality of providers at risk. In the years 2019 to 2022 alone, Berlin had made 515.05 million euros available for the state-owned hospital group Vivantes. In the 2023 budget, another 224.9 million euros are earmarked for deficit compensation and further investments.

The clinics’ alliance sees the path now taken of threatening legal action as a last resort. hospital alliance as a last resort. In a policy statement they explain they explain:
“Unfortunately, numerous attempts have been made in the past to talk to the with the senate administration on this issue and to find constructive and constructively seek solutions for all Berlin hospitals, failed. For this reason, the non-public bodies understand the preparation and, if necessary, implementation of a model action as a last resort in order to counteract the practice which distorts competition. distorting practice. However, the ultimate goal remains an amicable agreement with the state of Land of Berlin. In the new coalition and with new leaders, the non-public providers the non-public providers hope for a greater willingness to enter into a constructive dialogue, to enter into constructive dialogue. Due to the further deteriorating economic situation, they feel compelled to act now, to take action now and hold policy-makers accountable.”

Further information, statements, infographics and a FAQ on the most important background information can be found on the Action Alliance’s landing page.

The fact that deficit compensation for municipal hospitals is common practice almost everywhere in Germany is also shown by a list of the BDPK Kliniken am Tropf: Verlustausgleich für kommunale Krankenhäuser (Loss compensation for municipal hospitals).

Article published on BDPK website on 24 July 2023