European Union of Private Hospitals

A new EU Global Health Strategy

May 2022 – Last 19 May, the G7 Development and Health Ministries met with the EU Commissioners Kyriakides and Urpilainen.

They announced the launch of the work on a new EU Global Health Strategy and are issuing the following statement.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the unbearable human cost and heavy economic impact of the weaknesses of our global health architecture. It has reversed decades of progress in global health, deepened inequalities, and added to the challenges of other pandemics such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, or anti-microbial resistance, and those of climate change, geopolitics and the digital revolution.

The lessons must be learnt and we must put the Sustainable Development Goals back on track. Health is the foundation for resilient, equal and just societies, but viruses know no borders. To secure the health all our citizens deserve, we must tackle health globally, and we must do this together.

That is what our citizens and partners expect: robust action to secure their health — action rooted in the universal values of human rights, equity, solidarity and cooperation.

We will act on the basis of a new and impactful Global Health Strategy as part of the Global Gateway: we must improve health systems so that they can more effectively prevent and respond to global health threats as well as tackle all infectious and non-communicable diseases. We must address inequalities and advance towards universal health coverage. We must have strong strategic health partnerships with other regions in the world. We must reinforce local health manufacturing capacities, in Africa and beyond. And we must put the One Health approach at the core of our action, recognising the intrinsic connection between the health of people, animals, plants and their shared environment.

Today, at the G7 Health Ministerial, we are calling on all stakeholders to join us in developing and implementing this new EU Global Health Strategy together.”

We will follow the development of this new strategy and keep you updated.