European Union of Private Hospitals

eHealth Stakeholder Group – plenary meeting

The 9th plenary meeting of the ehealth Stakeholder Group was held on 26 November 2024 in Brussels, co-hosted by European Commission’s DG SANTE and DG CNECT. Our Secretary General, Ms Ilaria Giannico, attended on behalf of UEHP.

As usual, it was an insightful day packed with presentations, updates and fruitful debates.

Among the main topics discussed during the first part of the meeting:

  • The European Health Data Space (EHDS): state of play, implementation timeline and actions
  • MyHealth@EU update
  • Virtual Human Twins
  • 1+Million Genomes
  • Cancer Imaging Initiative

In the second part of the meeting, the group focused on the presentation of the preliminary findings of two different studies on Artificial Intelligence that DG SANTE and DG CNECT are conducting, respectively on the deployment of AI in healthcare and on the economic impact of applying AI in healthcare.

We were indeed glad to see our UEHP views reflected in the preliminary findings of both studies, as our members actively contributed to the open consultations published by the European Commission earlier this year.

We thank the Commission’s colleagues for the excellent organization and content, as well as the fellow colleagues from the other international associations who attended the meeting for the fruitful day.