MAY 2022 – This is today a tradition, the Austrian Association of Private Hospitals (Verband der Privatkrankenanstalten Österreichs) expressed its warmest gratitude to the care employees of its hospital members on the occasion of the International Nurses Day, on 12 Mai 2022.
More than 7,400 employees in 35 private hospitals received cards with Sonnentor “Get a boost” tea bags. The cards were distributed not only to the nursing staff, but to all company employees. “With this campaign, we want to remind people of the Day of Care and the services that are provided every day. Through this small gesture, we would like to express our gratitude to all employees for their commitment and dedication. This year, as well as in previous years, we have consistently received good feedback. The employees are pleased about the small attention and also the clinics, which would like to participate in our action, become more and more”, says Christina Hattinger, director of the Austrian Association of Private Hospitals.
Top-down : Privatklinik Confraternität, PK Graz Ragnitz, Privatklinik Laßnitzhöhe, Privatklinik Hollenburg, Medizinisches Zentrum Bad Vigaun