Last 14 October 2022 we hosted our Council members in Brussels.
It was a very busy day with presentations from different speakers in the healthcare scene.
We had the opportunity to listen to Mr Horn from European Commission’s DG Employment, Social Affairs & inclusion presenting the new EU Care Strategy which aims to ensure quality, affordable and accessible care services with better working conditions, gender equality and work-life balance of carers.
After the Commission’s presentation some of our members presented the concrete actions and measures that private hospitals in Europe are taking to tackle the issue of healthcare workforce shortages. What an interesting exchange!
We also had the chance to ear from our Italian member AIOP, Associazione Italiana Ospedalità Privata, about the outcome evaluation of hospitals in Italy with a comparative study between public and private providers operating in the Italian Healthcare System.
Finally, we heard from the Surgical Smoke Coalition secretariat about how private hospitals could better be involved in the coalition’s activities and objectives, since UEHP joined this coalition back in November 2021.
We look forward to our next gathering in 2023!