The national president of Aiop, Barbara Cittadini, commented on Orazio Schillaci’s question time at the Senate: ‘We are at the Regions’ disposal for a greater involvement of our structures in the government of waiting times and the recovery of services not provided.
“The Minister of Health has highlighted a crucial point on the issue of waiting lists and the failure to return to pre-pandemic quantitative and qualitative levels: it is not enough to allocate economic and financial resources to public health, but it is necessary to know how to spend them”. This is how Barbara Cittadini, National President of Aiop, comments on Orazio Schillaci’s question time in the Senate.
‘The additional resources earmarked for reducing waiting lists, allocated in the Budget Law 2022 and in the last Milleproroghe Decree Law,’ Cittadini continues, ‘have only been minimally used by the National Health Service’s public-law facilities, a phenomenon that demonstrates how a fundamental component of our hospital network is, in fact, at full capacity.
The structures under private law of the National Health Service, on the other hand, have untapped supply potential and are waiting to be put in a position to meet the unfulfilled demand for health.
The issue of waiting lists – according to the President of Aiop – demonstrates not only how it is urgent that all resources are used appropriately and efficiently, but also the importance of consolidating the virtuous synergy between the components of the system, through a far-sighted reform of public healthcare that overcomes the spending constraint on the purchase of services from private accredited providers, set by the anachronistic DL 95/2012.
As the most representative reality of the private component of the NHS,” concludes Barbara Cittadini, “we are at the Regions’ disposal for a greater involvement of our structures in governing waiting times and recovering services not provided, always bearing in mind that the first and last goal is the health of the population.”
Article published on AIO website on 14 July 2023