MAY 2016.
The Spanish Private Health Alliance- ASPE, born last May 2016, through the merger by absorption of the National Confederation of Private Clinics and Hospitals, CNCHP, by the Spanish Federation of Private Clinics, FNCP.
ASPE arises from the commitment of all members to add value to the private health sector as a generator of employment and wealth as well as to spread the great technology and quality of health care level of our private health centers.
From large and international hospital groups or national hospital groups, to smaller and family hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, laboratories, medical transport, rehabilitation and sociosanitary centers, have its place in the great family that makes up ASPE.
With more than 600 associated health institutions scattered throughout the territory, ASPE represents more than 78% of Spanish private health sector. In addition, ASPE is formed by the Territorial Associations, where they exist, of the different Spanish’s Autonomous Communities, like ACES from Catalonia, UBES from Balearic Islands, ACPM from Madrid, AHOSGAL from Galicia, UMHC from Murcia, AESPAA from Andalucía, and AEDANE from the Basque Country.
ASPE works in close cooperation with the Spanish Health Ministry, Regional Health Authorities and many relevant stakeholders in Spain and Europe to promote a higher quality of care and better health outcomes.
We are part of CEOE, Spanish Confederation of employers, and of many other associations and institutions transversely related to the health sector. We also joined HOSPEEM, the European Hospital & Healthcare Employers’ Association, as observer member on April 1st, 2016. ASPE develops a large part of its activity through the “Global Health Foundation” (FGS), created by the FNCP to address the social issues related to healthcare. We create an entity called SPAINCARE with the five most representative employer’s unions of nationwide sectors: health, dependency, resorts, travel agencies and hotels. This entity has become a reference and a “point of contact” in the Spanish private health information for Border Healthcare Directive purposes.
ASPE is headed by Ms. Cristina Contel.