Last December, the European Commission launched a call for applications to select members for a new Health Technology Assessment Stakeholder Network. The call is part of the implementation of the Health Technology Assessment Regulation (EU) 2021/2282, specifically Article 29 that calls on the Commission to establish a Health Technology Assessment stakeholder network. The call was addressed to stakeholder organisations with an interest in EU cooperation on health technology assessment, including patient associations, consumer organisations, health technology developer associations, health professional organisations and other relevant non-governmental organisations in the field of health.
The aim of the HTA Stakeholder Network is to facilitate dialogue between stakeholder organisations and the HTA Coordination Group. In this regard, members of the HTA Stakeholder Network will be involved in the activities listed in the Regulation, such as:
- Consultations in preparation or amendment of the HTA Coordination Group’s annual work programme (Article 6(3)(d) of the Regulation);
- Meetings with the HTA Coordination Group at least once a year (Article 29(5) of the Regulation).
The full list of organisations selected for membership to the HTA Stakeholder will be made available soon on the Commission’s HTA website.
The first meeting of the Health Technology Assessment Stakeholder Network is planned for June 2023 in Brussels. We will inform you accordingly about the work of this new committee (and for sure ask you for contributions).