European Union of Private Hospitals

25-27 October, Lisbon: 46th World Hospital Congress

The International Hospital Federation will organize the 46th World Hospital Congress in Lisbon from 25 to 27 October 2023. This will be a unique opportunity to showcase the best practices also of the private hospital sector.

This important event which yearly brings together more than 1000 participants from all over the world, is this year, co-organized by our very own member, the Portuguese Association of Private Hospitals (APHP), the Portuguese Association for Hospital Development (APDH) and the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators (APAH).

The Congress is a unique global forum connecting leaders and decision-makers of hospitals, health services and healthcare organizations to:

  • share knowledge and good practices in leadership, management and service delivery
  • exchange new ideas and innovations
  • network with other senior executives from across the international healthcare community.

IHF member organizations have various opportunities to showcase their accomplishments throughout Congress. The delegate makeup reflects the IHF membership which spans more than 60 countries. It is a one-stop shop for those seeking the opportunity and environment in which to engage in a 360-degree learning and networking experience with global peers.

We are glad to announce that our Secretary General, Ms Ilaria Giannico, will be a  facilitator during the traditional IHF Partners’ Workshop, which will encourage participants to reflect on the transformation of hospitals by 2030 and to co-create a roadmap to reach a common vision.

More information and registration: https://worldhospitalcongress.org/