European Union of Private Hospitals

7 November, European Parliament – Bxl: Private Hospitals in Europe: Supporting Sustainable Health Systems


Private Hospitals in Europe: Supporting Sustainable Health Systems

7 November 2017 – 11.00h- 12.30h
Brussels, European Parliament, Room 6Q1

The European Union of Private Hospitals has the pleasure to invite you to the official launch of its Factbook “Private Hospitals in Europe: Supporting Sustainable Health Systems”.
UEHP has given carte blanche to Hans Martens, European health expert, to reflect on the place of private hospitals in an evolving Europe of 28.
Our challenge is to carry out the modernisation of the provision of healthcare services, including innovation and necessary investment while respecting the strict budgetary constraints of the health systems in each member state.
Our action is focused on the quality of relevant and timely healthcare services for all European citizens. The private sector claims its place in an environment of increased competition by bringing professionalization of management, strategies adapted to an innovative healthcare provision, which are key to the success of quality health services of tomorrow.

The event will focus on best practices and challenges and how the private sector can support the shift to sustainable and resilient healthcare systems.

The agenda of the event and the registration form will be sent in due time.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to anybody that may be interested.

For any questions related to the event please contact UEHP Secretary General, Ms Ilaria Giannico, by email (secretarygeneral@uehp.org ) or by telephone (+32(0)2 286.12.37).