European Union of Private Hospitals

20 November, Brussels : UEHP-SHAM Masterclass on “New Generation of Risk Management”

The European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP) is organising a MASTER CLASS on “NEW GENERATION of RISK MANAGEMENT”, in close partnership with SHAM – Hospital Mutual Insurance Company – European leader in hospital risk.
The Master Class will take place on Tuesday, 20th November, in Brussels at UEHP headquarter (Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1 B – 1040).

During this one day session, participants will benefit from a selective panel of experts and counterparts to foster active contribution, interactivity, mutual thinking and share lessons learnt from various experience and concrete actions.

In a context of multi-factor transition faced by European healthcare systems, a new set of complexities arises:
  • new technology implementation,
  • relationship with patients,
  • social networks,
  • regulation according to national laws and European directives.
Those factors are changing equilibrium with potential underlying risks going beyond current resilience. Risk Management offers levers to secure and optimize operations, with the need for an innovative approach to adapt to emerging and evolving risk profiles.

We are targeting Top European Executives (CEO, COO, Risk Manager, Medical, Legal Director) from private hospitals/clinics in all Europe, with a special focus on four leading countries (but not exclusively): France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Join the debate! On one hand, your experience, knowledge and activity could be a valuable contribution to the discussion. On the other hand, the Master Class will be the occasion for you to learn more about the latest trends on Risk management in Europe, as well as to network with other top European Hospital Managers and discuss about your own experiences, problems and best practices.

Master class’s programme and objectives: Save the date – Master Class on New generation of risk management

For registrations and information: secretarygeneral@uehp.org