European Union of Private Hospitals

October 2019 – Cartography of EU Private Hospitals

I am proud to announce the publication on the UEHP Website of the first cartography of European Private Hospitals, dedicated to European citizens and professionals. You can find facilities location and information by specialties for more informed patients. Developed by a Health Expert, Joy Raynaud, this tool will facilitate contact and visibility of a true EU hospital network. Just a click away …!

Our last UEHP meeting organized in Budapest gave us relevant information on the recent development concerning e-health in Hungary, a presentation by Balint Szabo, Head of Department AEEK National Healthcare Service Center. We observed the outstanding success of this project which allows to connect all the Hungarian healthcare providers making it easier for physicians working in different institutions to access all important health information about the patient, facilitating e-prescription.

During the European Gastein Forum, with the support of HFE – Health First Europe, I had the honor to present UEHP position on hospital risk management facing cybersecurity questions. This big event was the occasion to establish contact with major stakeholders, and to actively participate to the positive evolution of healthcare systems in EU.

Dr Paul Garassus
President of UEHP