European Union of Private Hospitals

April 2021 – Build back better

Build Back Better

The COVID-19 crisis will be a scar on the World face.
We must “build back better”, demonstrating that Europe is not a problem but a solution, delivering cohesion and solidarity.
Two recent initiatives show the vitality of European democracy. First, on March 31st, the Commission launched a public consultation on the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). Part of the EU’s answer to the pandemic and a strong European Health Union, HERA aims to improve Europe’s capacity and readiness to respond to cross-border health threats and emergencies. It is a major issue for all of us.
Then, more recently, the European Patients’ Rights Day commemorated on April 18th, an annual recurrence that celebrates patients’ and civil society organisations in their efforts to advance patients’ rights at the global and European level.
The future of healthcare needs responsible evaluation and scientific oriented decisions. For the sustainability of social protection systems, the accountability of spending decisions is a priority. Maybe the principle of hospital downsizing will reach a limit, demonstrating the usefulness of adequate capacity in hard times. But let’s not forget that the human factor is central to all our common actions, for patients as well as for citizens.
Stay safe and get vaccinated, we need you to “build back better”!

Dr Paul Garassus
President of UEHP

Read the full April 2021 Newsletter here