European Union of Private Hospitals

July 23 – Strengthening Europe’s political power

The Europe of Health remains our common objective, as recent crises have shown. Strengthening Europe’s political power with regard to the organisation and cooperation of healthcare systems will be the key issue. In a year’s time, a major democratic deadline looms with the European Parliament elections in June 2024. This coming year must be devoted to these issues so that the democratic debate can focus on this subject. UEHP has been asked by the Parliament to send out a clear message encouraging everyone to take part in this election, and we will be happy to help raise the interest of all European citizens in this topic: how we can collectively improve access, modernisation and efficiency in healthcare systems.

The Europe of solutions must replace the Europe of observations. The “One Health” ambition needs to be co-constructed by providing information and proposing practical solutions. At the start of this summer, we are committing ourselves to a renewed ambition for the coming year to improve the solidarity and relevance of the relations between Member States, in favour of a dynamic and proactive Europe. We need to take account of the economic context, putting an end to “whatever it takes” and “easy money”, so that European collaboration guarantees the sovereignty of solutions and enhances the talents of all its healthcare industries and partnerships.

The forthcoming elections should provide an opportunity for this debate, and we will do our best to contribute to it.

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