UEHP read with enthusiasm the recent announcement by the European Commission concerning Health in Europe. We transcribe here part of the statement: “The EU4Health Programme will set out key action areas such as improvement of national health systems, measures against communicable and non-communicable diseases, availability and affordability of medicines and other crisis relevant products. Europe needs to give a higher priority to health. The new Programme will be essential in making sure that the EU remains the healthiest region in the world.”
This challenge is our challenge also. UEHP is available to participate in any action centered on innovative and efficient solutions. In the next months, we will present to the Commission relevant information supporting this common ambition, to safeguard and improve the health of European citizens. The recent crisis and the engagement of private hospitals to respond to emergency situations, demonstrate the benefits and the importance of partnership between all providers. We have to prepare the future all together!
Dr Paul Garassus
President of UEHP