The lifting of lockdown measures in most EU Member States, does not signal the end of COVID-19 even though we can generally observe a significant reduction in the number of confirmed cases while MS gradually return to «normality».
However, the political consequences may last longer and run deeper than the medical problem itself. We witnessed during these difficult times the implosion of European regulatory mechanisms: borders were closed, competition among Member States was fierce for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The principle of further cooperation was enhanced by the Commission, but isolated solutions came from local application.
The “day after” will be hard too! New rules for a renewed trust will take efforts and time. We are, at the moment, skeptical about a rapid coordination of actions and cooperative programs in health.
Private Hospitals were fully engaged in this fight and we are not expecting any reward but at least respect and consideration. We want to be a partner in change, in a collaborative EU respecting trust and solidarity.
Dr Paul Garassus
President of UEHP
President of UEHP