On Monday, 28th November UEHP had the honour to be received by the EU Commissioner for Health & Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis. In a very confident way we presented actions of UEHP, and discussed on major EU trends in Healthcare sector presented by the Commissioner.
This meeting confirms the UEHP position as major stakeholder in European Healthcare systems. Our voice is important. It is a first step for a long term Relationship with the European High Level administration and Policy makers, to express our specific position and be heard as full Partner of changes. UEHP is confident for the future, to offer the best service to all European Citizens, safe and cost-effective.
UEHP is active to support actions of private sector in EU and can diffuse important information presented by DG SANTE. Strategic views explained by Commissioner concern best practices to improve Member States Healthcare systems and reach cost effectiveness. Cooperation between sectors is required to increase efficiency and to assess sustainability of Health systems. The challenges are patient mobility, ageing, day care unit development, but new fields emerged as prevention of disease and promotion of healthy lifestyles. Talking about the Implementation of the Directive 2011/24/UE on cross-border healthcare, the Commissioner encouraged UEHP in cooperation with national contact points and the European Reference Networks. We presented the project of our next Conference in Lisbon, March 2017, supported by Portuguese Health Minister on European Patient mobility. As recently published by UEHP in the “Parliament Magazine” introducing the “Smart Hospital” concept, we confirmed our engagement to a modernization of hospitals improving quality and safety. The great attention obtained during our discussion expresses the interest and consideration by the Commissioner to European Private Hospitals. We thank Vytenis Andriukaitis for this direct contact. |
Dr Paul Garassus
President of the UEHP