European hospitals are currently under major economic pressure, and for the private for-profit sector, which manages 23% of all hospital beds, this is aggravated by competitive distortions. In most Member States, tensions are mounting despite an increase in activity. As a result, the end-of-year financial statements for 2024 look catastrophic.
The central issue remains ensuring optimal quality and safety for patients. A pragmatic response requires hospital managers and medical teams to adapt under mounting pressures, honouring their commitments to patient care. As new technologies pave the way for innovative solutions, patients walking through hospital doors rightly expect both technical expertise and compassionate care. Achieving this balance amidst shrinking budgets is an increasingly difficult task.
Risk management in hospitals is the fruit of experience, by trained care teams with the resources they need to fulfil their mission. We urge the new European Commissioner, Oliver Varhelyi – recently confirmed by the European Parliament -to promptly acknowledge these realities, as well as the unique challenges faced by the healthcare sector.
It is crucial that he fully recognizes the private hospital sector’s commitment to care and the vital role it plays in ensuring that the economic stability of the healthcare system is maintained through the delivery of high-quality services aligned with public health objectives.
Leveraging advancements like AI, which continues to embody Medical Intelligence, offers an essential pathway to meeting these objectives while preserving a deep respect for the dignity and well-being of all citizens.
In conclusion, following our support during Pink October, we are proud to join the Movember movement this month to raise awareness and show solidarity in the fight against male cancers.
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