European Union of Private Hospitals

APHP Member of the Board of The Confederation of Portuguese Industry


On 10th February 2017, the President of the Portuguese Association of Private Hospitals (APHP), Oscar Gaspar, was today elected Member of the Board of CIP (The Confederation of Portuguese Industry) and Vice-president of the General Council of that Confederation.

This election follows the recent accession of the APHP to CIP, last December, aiming to strengthen the APHP intervention capability to debate the development and investment conditions of enterprises. The APHP participation in a social partner will allow its positions to be recognized and amplified at the highest level of decision.

According to Oscar Gaspar, the presence of the APHP in the social bodies of CIP shows the recognition of the dimension and dynamics of private hospitals in Portugal and should contribute to further assert its importance in the country’s economic activity and in the provision of quality health care to Portuguese and European citizens.