European Union of Private Hospitals

French hospital federations united to defend their tariffs


United, the French hospital federations organized a press conference to alert the government to the fragile economic, financial and social situation of public and private health establishments in France.

On November 6th, along with the other 3 French hospital federations (FEHAP, FHF, Unicancer*), the Federation of Private Hospitalization (FHP) alerted the French Government to the deleterious situation of health facilities and denounced an hospital budget far from sufficient.

Representing all the hospitalization in France, and given the importance of health issues, the presidents of the four hospital federations have called together the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Solidarities and Health to make their proposals heard and preserve hospital budgets.

While they welcome the orientations of the “My Health 2022” plan launched by the President of the Republic, the French hospital federations have however recalled the context of economic fragility of all institutions: the means provided are insufficient and the effects of this plan will only be felt in a few years. However, health establishments must to have sufficient financial means to ensure patients daily and continuous equal access to care of proven quality.

After suffering a decline in hospital fees for six consecutive years, the situation of health facilities is precarious. Also, in order to find room for manoeuvre to carry out their mission of care and to follow a real social policy, they ask for a rise of hospital tariffs, which are today not any more in adequacy with the reality of care costs and French health issues. This rate increase is a real necessity to preserve the financial balance of these establishments.

Health facilities have respected the planned spending targets in 2018 and have even under-executed them : the hospital federations are asking for the full refund of the hospital credits frozen as part of the prudential reserve.

FEHAP – Federation of Private non Profit Hospitals and medico-social institutions
FHF – Federation of public hospitals
Unicancer – National Federation of Cancer Treatment Centers
FHP – Federation of Private Hospitals