We are happy to announce that the final report of the UEHP – SHAM workshop on Hospital Risk Management is available! Download it here: Final report – Workshop on Risk Management 2020!
Last 22 January, the European Union of Private Hospitals organised a workshop on Hospital Risk Management, in close partnership with Relyens-SHAM, Hospital Mutual Insurance Company, European leader in hospital risk.
In a context of multi-factor transition faced by European healthcare systems, a new set of complexities arises: new technology implementation, relationship with patients, social networks, regulation according to national laws and European directives. Those factors are changing equilibrium with potential underlying risks going beyond current resilience. Risk Management offers levers to secure and optimize operations, with the need for an innovative approach to adapt to emerging and evolving risk profiles.
In this context, and following up on the first edition organised in November 2018, UEHP and SHAM teamed up to organise an interactive working session on innovation in hospital risk management in Brussels, at the hearth of the EU. During this one day session, participants could benefit from a selective panel of experts and counterparts to foster active contribution, interactivity, mutual thinking and share lessons learnt from various experience and concrete actions from all over Europe. The workshop offered a platform to discuss on the latest trends on Risk management, as well as to network with top European Executives and Risk Managers and discuss about experiences, problems and best practices.
We had an intensive full day working session with participants coming from 7 different European countries and experts from the leading European hospitals groups sharing their knowledge on how Risk Management is evolving.
The morning session was dedicated to Germany, with a focus on the approach and methodologies from two of the main hospitals groups in Germany, Sana Kiniken and Asklepios Kliniken.
The second part of the morning was dedicated to the Roundtable “Crossing the bridge from theory to practice: what works (…and not)”, where panellists coming from the leading hospitals groups from Italy (Humanitas San Pio X, Gruppo San Donato), France (Ramsay Général de Santé) and Spain (Quironsalud) shared their experiences on mitigating and preventing clinical risk.
The afternoon session was dedicated to two inspiring presentations, on the new borders of Risk management and to cybersecurity trends in healthcare.
After that the participants split into three different groups to take part to three different thematic workshop on
- Healthcare Associated infections – what are the main triggers of event prevention? What strategies to put in place?
- The Healthcare professional crisis – how to deal with the current crisis?
- Use of healthcare data to reduce risk – which data to be leveraged in order to improve its risk diagnosis?
Both UEHP and SHAM teams wish to deeply thank all participants and speakers for their valuable contributions. We will build on the outcomes of this workshop and keep sharing knowledge and possible solutions to prevent and mitigate risks and keep ensuring the best quality and safety of treatments to all patients.