On July, 16 the European Parliament plenary in Strasbourg elected Mrs Ursula von der Leyen as new President of the European Commission. She will start her work from 1 November 2019 for a period of five years.
You can find her full opening Statement in the European Parliament Plenary Session in Strasbourg here : http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-19-4230_en.htm
Also, you can find here her full agenda, based on the following priorities: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/resources/library/media/20190716RES57231/20190716RES57231.pdf
- A European Green Deal
- An economy that works for people
- A Europe fit for the digital age
- Protecting our European way of life
- A stronger Europe in the world
- A new push for European democracy
The European union of Private Hospitals welcomes Mrs von der Leyen as new European Commission’s President-elect and we join some European organisations working in the healthcare field in Brussels which pointed out that Ursula von der Leyen’s medical background has a huge potential for all of us. Here you can find the press release on the actions needed in the healthcare sector published yesterday by the European Patient Forum: http://www.eu-patient.eu/News/News/Ursula-von-der-Leyen-election-patient-academic-public-health-NGOs-statement?sfns=mo